Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Board of Directors

      This past week in one of the current courses that I’m taking with the one and only “La Profesora” a discussion on eight different ways to acquire knowledge was defined to the entire class. Within the eight different ways to acquire knowledge two definitions stuck out to me like a soar red thumb.

     Consensus was defined as looking for knowledge from your peers. But there is also a negative side to seeking knowledge from your peers because they will most likely give the same opinion that you might have. This in turn does not help you fully answer your question or gain knowledge.

       The other definition that clearly stood out was empiricism. The definition for empiricism is as follows: Derived from experience with an attempt to define the terminology. It also has an outcome that is provable or verifiable by others using the same method.

      These two definitions stood out because they are at the basis of every young male’s life. During the course of the early 20’s a male needs to be guided by older males that can show them the way. Rather it be through the dating world, how to adjust to living on your own for the first time, or to simply purchase alcohol for them on a Thursday night. These are all things that need to be taught to a young man and the people that guide him along this journey can commonly be referred to as the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors have already been through the tough break ups or dealt with that crazy professor who gives ridiculously hard homework. Therefore the young male is gaining knowledge through empiricism. The Board of Directors does not only help while the young male is in college but once he leaves the academic world as well. They give knowledge on all of the little things that it takes to succeed on a day to day basis in this tough world. The advice given is never really through consensus due to the fact that they are there to help the young male come to his own decision based off of their past experiences. They also must let the young male know what the outcome was for them and how in which way it helped benefit them.

         The Board of Director theory may sound crazy or odd but it is something that many males use even though they may not refer to it by the same name. My personal Board of Directors are very successful and as I have developed as an adult I latter become part of their Board of Directors. My former college teammate and roommate recently went through a dilemma on whether or not to move to New York City to further his career. He sought the opinion of his Board of Directors along with his own to help him come to his final decision. It is very important to note that the Board of Directors are not there to make the decision for the young male but to guide him in the right way. Here is a link to my former roommate and teammate, through empiricism he derived at the right decision for his career.

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